Frogs for Life is a charity non-profit, hosting an annual toy drive to collect toys and supplies for a children's hospital. Our organization prides itself on making a difference in the lives of children by bringing joy and support during challenging times.
We are dedicated to ensuring that every child, regardless of their circumstances, receives the care and compassion they deserve. Through our commitment to philanthropy, we strive to create a positive impact on the community and inspire others to join us in our mission of spreading love and hope.
Our son, Tommy Clark Walker, was born with HLHS (Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome). After birth, he was immediately transferred to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at Nemours Children’s Hospital. After several days of monitoring and planning, he underwent open-heart surgery. He was only 1 week old at the time. In our eyes, he was perfect, no matter how many surgeries or difficulties we would have to endure. Tommy was our first child, after going through six years of fertility treatments and multiple rounds of IVF. After his first surgery and a couple of months in the hospital, he was able to come home with us. He was happy and growing and thriving. One Saturday in July, he laughed for the first time and was having an amazing day. Then tragedy struck in the middle of the night. A few days later, he was gone from us and our lives have been forever changed.
Leah Walker (mom)
Luke Walker (dad)
Lynne Clark (nanna)
Alexis Henthorn (social media)
Contact us at Leah@FrogsForLifeCharity.org